Train With Us

While we are primarily an MMA gym, we also offer training in a number of other martial arts and combat sports. Take a look at the options below for more details, and if you have any further questions or would prefer to focus on something else instead,


Boxing, sometimes called the sweet science, can be dated back to the early Olympics of Ancient Greece. It has been the most popular and well-known striking discipline in the Western hemisphere ever since, and has produced such cultural icons as Muhammad Ali, Mike Tyson and Floyd Mayweather among others.

Boxing is the art of striking using only the fists. This is however a much more nuanced science than it sounds, and great boxers make use of head movement, footwork, shield defence, level and angle changes among others to ensure that they can land punches without receiving them in return.

K-1 Kickboxing

K-1 kickboxing is a combat sport that combines elements of three of the most famous Eastern striking martial arts – karate, from Japan; tae kwon do, from Korea; and kung-fu, from China. This is where the ‘K’ in its name comes from; the ‘1’ was chosen to infer its dominance over other styles.

The K-1 circuit began as contests between boxers, but grew to accommodate a wider range of skills through cross-training and the natural evolution of styles. Nowadays, it tends to involve punches, kicks and knees from range with active and dynamic footwork.

Muay Thai

Muay Thai, the national sport of Thailand, has roots going back to the 18th century Burmese invasion of Siam. Reputedly, a Thai prisoner – Nai Khanom Tom – defeated ten successive Burmese opponents with a unique fighting style that so impressed the Burmese king that he set the victorious prisoner free. His style, Muay Boran, has evolved over the years to become Muay Thai.

Nowadays, Muay Thai not only incorporates punches, kicks and knees like other striking disciplines, but also utilises elbows and upper-body clinch grappling; allowing practitioners to fight at close range as well as long.

BJJ – Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is a self-defence martial art and combat sport based on grappling, ground fighting and submission holds.

Initially derived from the ground portion of Judo in the early 20th century by a Brazilian family named the Gracies, it focuses on using leverage and technique to gain a dominant position and force the opponent to submit via joint locks or chokeholds. It is known as an excellent choice for smaller people looking to be able to defend against larger opponents, after Royce Gracie won the first ever UFC tournament by submitting three bigger opponents in one night.

MMA – Mixed Martial Arts

Mixed Martial Arts was officially born at UFC 1 in 1993 to finally answer the question, which is the greatest martial art? And though BJJ was the answer that day, over time it has evolved into the answer we should have guessed all along; that the best discipline is a mixture of all the others.

MMA is now the fastest growing sport in the world. Our MMA system involves aspects of boxing, muay thai, karate, tae kwon do, savate, Greco-Roman and freestyle wrestling, BJJ and sambo, with a focus on being able to fight technically, tactically and intelligently.


Self-defence is more of a concept than a discipline, and means different things to different people. To us, it means having the technical knowledge and ability to feel safe when you go out at night, and to be able to make good decisions when put into a fight-or-flight situation.

To achieve this, we teach a simplified system of MMA techniques, drill them often and use them to prepare for a variety of situations that an untrained attacker is likely to instigate, so that if the worst happens you are going in there with an understanding of how to combat it.